In the future, I want to travel abroad to Europe; particular areas of interest include the Dachau, Auschwitz, and Flosenburg KL sites; Nassengrub (Mokřiny) Czech Republic, the The Budaörs War Cemetery in Hungary, and Moscow, ...
karl fritzsch, born 10 july 1903 in bnassengrub/b, joined the nsdap (no 261135) & ss (no 7287). highest ss rank ss-hauptsturmfuhrer. ?fritzsch served in dachau from 1935 until 1940, in auschwitz 1940-1942 and was kommandant at flossenburg. ...
Urodzi? si? w Nassengrub (Sudetenland). Do NSDAP i SS wst?pi? w 1930 roku. W czasie zak?adania obozu Dachau (1933) zg?osi? si? do tamtejszego oddzia?u wartowniczego, dok?d dowodzi? plutonem w kompanii karabinów maszynowych. ...